Online Mediation -How does it work?

Since the Covid pandemic families have been offered the opportunity to mediate online to help them sort out the difficulties they are facing in relation to the contact and living arrangements for their children. Sometime parents don’t agree on other things like schools, health appointments and other issues which are unique to their family situation.

Online Mediation works just the same as if you were meeting in the office with the Mediator. You will each be given the chance to say what it is that you want to discuss in the mediation with the mediator before the first meeting with you both together in a MIAM meeting on your own. This is the same as when we are working in the office. Once everyone is happy the mediator will set up the joint meeting with you both.

The admin team sets up a virtual mediation on ZOOM and they will send you a link to click and enter the online mediation room from the comfort of your own home. This means that you have the benefit of your own safe surroundings to mediate in. The Mediator will send you the agreement to mediate in advance to sign and send back via a document signing app which means you don’t need to have a printer to do this.

At the start of the session the mediator will ask you to confirm that you have enough time set aside and have a private space without being disturb or overheard. This is important to respect everyone’s privacy.

The meeting will take between 1 and 1.5hrs and you will have the chance to look at different options and see if you can find an option that works for your children and works for both of you as well.

Contact us on or call us on 0800 061 4905 to see how we can help you

Family Mediation Plymouth