How do I choose a Family Mediator?

This is a question we are often asked and whether it is important for each parent to have a choice over the mediator. In the majority of cases one parent will  find a mediator  by going to the internet doing a search for a mediator and calling the first number.

Dealing with separation, sorting out financial issues in preparation for divorce or making arrangements for the care of your children can be a difficult and emotional process. That’s why it is important to try and a Mediator with the rights skills and experience to help you and your family in the best way possible.

It’s not uncommon for us to speak to parents who are suspicious of the mediator their ex-partner has chosen. This is because they think they may be on their side or have a personal link. For others its just another thing they don’t agree with their ex-partner about.

It is important to note that Mediators must declare any potential conflicts of interest and therefore they wouldn’t be able to work with someone they know in any other part of their lives. This is part of our Professional code of conduct.

So how is it best to choose a Family Mediator:-How do I choose a Family Mediator? - Children 1st Mediation

You should always choose a Family Mediator who is registered with the Family Mediation Council (FMC)– this is because all professionally qualified mediator have to be registered with the FMC and not someone who isn’t trained, this sadly isn’t uncommon meaning people have to attend mediation again with a qualified mediator.

You can click the link below to go to the register to find a mediator local to you or your ex-partner and also to find out if the mediator is qualified to the highest standards possible in England.

Make sure you look at what experience they have and don’t be afraid to ask questions about their knowledge around specific areas.

Also make sure that the mediator has offices in the city you live, and that they visit there regularly, has the time to undertake your mediation within 2- 3 weeks of your initial appointment to avoid long delays.