Separated Parents- Are you coping?

The Coping Question

How are you coping?

Your child doesn’t need too be sad when you separate, find a way forward together

For separated parents at this time, life is presenting new challenges. If you’re at home as a single parent, living with a new partner and perhaps their children some or all of the time, or at home and unable to be with your child/children, each situation presents it’s own challenges. So, how are you coping?

Even when things are at their worst, we get through it and it’s important to recognise the coping strategies that made it possible no matter how small they might be. What are the differences that make a difference?

If you’ve had a difficult day, try and identify the things you did that got you through. Maybe it was a cup of tea, a call to or from a friend, a favourite tv or radio programme.

Try to notice what it was that you did when it was most difficult. Sometimes we cope by doing things that may not be good for us or others. If this is the case ask yourself whether you are happy with that way of coping or how you might like to see yourself coping differently. Think about other times in your life when you have come through difficulty and consider the strengths and resources you drew on at that time.Remember, if something works, do more of it!

Remember if you are struggling to work things out with your ex-partner then Family Mediation can help you to find a way forward. Legal Aid is available -including for parents in receipt of Universal credit, income based ESA, JSA and Income support.

All our mediation appointments are online mediation appointments at the moment. We can offer online Mediation Plymouth mediation Cornwall Mediation Devon Mediation Bristol Mediation Somerset Mediation Dorset.

You may eligible for FREE Mediation if you are on a low income but not getting one of the above benefits as long as you don’t have savings of more than £8,000. Call 0800 061 4905