This is a question we are often asked and whether it is important for each parent to have a choice over the mediator. In the majority of cases one parent will find a mediator by going to the internet doing a search for a mediator and calling the first number. Dealing with separation, sorting out financial issues in preparation for …
Survival guide to Sorting out your finances when your planning on getting a divorce
Getting divorced is the one of the most stressful events that can happen in persons life, people go through a range of high emotional states, even when it is their decision to end the marriage. The length of time it takes to recover depends on the individual. Thats why sorting out the practical issues including finances, property and pensions can …
Arrangements for the time your Children spend with each of you over the summer holidays
Arrangements for the time your Children spend with each of you over the summer holidays It’s that time of year again when you and your children prepare the start up of the long summer holidays. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to take all of the summer holidays off from work or other commitments to spend …
Parental Alienation and Mediation
Parental Alienation (PA) This is a relatively new term which is growing topic in the Family Court and Family Mediation world. Rarely a day goes by in my mediation practice where at least one parent doesn’t raise the issue of Parental Alienation (PA). Parental Alienation is not a new concept, it is widely know that children have been exposed to …
What is Involved in a Child Consultation
What does Child Inclusive Mediation mean? This means we are able to arrange to meet with children as part of the mediation process where appropriate, and to find out from them how things are for them, as well as ideas they might have for the future, without leaving them feeling responsible for making decisions. This can be very helpful when …
What is a MIAM?
WHAT IS A MIAM? A MIAM is a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting and is something that you will need to attend before you can consider making an application to Court in relation to any family matters. What is the purpose? The aim of the MIAM meeting is to see whether your family situation is suitable for mediation. The Mediator …
What are the benefits of mediation? BLOG
Thats a good question many people going through separation and divorce find themselves asking and rightly so. Its a stressful time and the thought of spending nay more time, energy or money on something that you don’t know a lot about can be daunting. Family Mediation helps :-
How to Prepare your Child for a Child Consultation
How can I prepare my child? The Mediator will share some information with you at the initial Mediation information meeting about this. It is important that you don’t ask the child to say anything specifically to the consultant or encourage them to do or say something in support of something you think they might want. This can be very distressing …
The Cost of Divorce
The cost of divorce are not only financial they also extend to emotional and psychological costs. Often people believe they need to get a solicitor to help them get what they need out of their separation and any financial resolution arising out of a prospective divorce. The cost of getting divorced need not run into thousands of pounds each. If …
Child Consultations can be a very important part of the Mediation process
I often hear Mediator colleagues ask why you might consider a child or young person being involved in the mediation process, often shying away or not even raising the option of speaking to the children as part of the mediation process. Having undertaken over 100 Child Consultations in the past year and having over 16 years experience in working with …