Extended Voucher Scheme £500

Due to the success of the voucher scheme the Ministry of Justice have agreed to extend the voucher scheme to help more families take part in family mediation with some financial assistance. As a service we have been successful in applying for vouchers for over 90 families. Call the office on 0800 061 4905 to book your initial assessment and …

My child says they don’t want to go to their Dad/Mum’s

When there is conflict between parents it can be tempting to think the worst, some examples I normally hear are “is something bad happening over there” what is he/she doing to them, “they know their own mind” “he/She treated me like that” “I can’t make them go if they don’t want to” “I know my ex and i know what …

Online Mediation -How does it work?

Since the Covid pandemic families have been offered the opportunity to mediate online to help them sort out the difficulties they are facing in relation to the contact and living arrangements for their children. Sometime parents don’t agree on other things like schools, health appointments and other issues which are unique to their family situation. Online Mediation works just the …

We are offering the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme -worth £500 to help families fund Mediation

Date: 26 March 2021 The government has today announced that it is investing £1m in family mediation, to support families to resolve issues relating to children. Under the scheme, the Ministry of Justice will provide contributions of up to £500 per family, to resolve issues relating to children following parental separation. Mediation will be provided by Family Mediation Council Accredited …

CAFCASS update their top tips for Separated parents

CAFCASS have released some new top tips for separated parents following feedback from Young people. This recent addition comes from a complaint form a young person to CAFCASS about the service they received. Find out more here.

Children’s voices

The HeaRT Project The HeaRT project are a team of researchers working at Exeter university who are undertaking some important research about the importance of the voice of the child in decisions that are being made about them, in Mediation. The team have now recruited 26 of their target of 30 parents and young people and they ideally need to …

The impact of the Pandemic on Family lives and how Mediation can help

The pandemic has touched all our lives in many ways, but one of the less mentioned aspects of this time is its impact on our most intimate relationships. Restrictions on movement, job losses, parents working from home and children educated from home have forced us together in ways beyond our control and relationships have been tested as a result. Some …

Separation & Divorce Phillipa Johnson

Seaparation and Divorce By Philippa Johnson People Don’t make the decision to end a long-term relationship lightly, especially when children are involved. Divorce and separation are two of the most painful life events anyone ever goes through. They can lead people to question everything they thought they knew about themselves and their lives. They are overwhelming. If this is happening …

Mock Mediation

An amazing opportunity to see a Mock Mediation during #FamilyMediationWeek Here at Mediation Plymouth we are highly experienced at delivering Online Mediation

What is Mediation?

Maybe you have only recently separated. Or maybe you have been separated for some time but a dispute has arisen between you and your ex, maybe something to do with the children.You’ve tried to sort it out with your ex just between yourselves but you just ended up arguing. You started with the best of intentions, and wanted to “do …